My UMenuWidget (derived from UUserWidget) needs to pass a value to AMyPlayerController (derived from APlayerController).
I have tried DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FPassParam,int,intData);; but inGameHUD->MenuWidget from AMyPlayerController::BeginPlay() returns NULL, likely because MenuWidget is yet to be created.
If you’re using a delegate, bind to the event when you create the widget, not on begin play. Or you can use GetOwningPlayer() in your widget to get hold of the controller. Or as I normally like to do, create a function in the widget, which will set the controller reference, and call it from the controller that creates the widget.
If you get the player controller and successfully cast it to your class, these functions must be available. Are you sure you get the correct controller class? Can you show the code where you actually do that?