How to parse .ue4stats to .csv containing multiple performance metrics

I used this answer to parse.uestats files into.csv files.
Unreal forums Parsing .ue4stats
I used console command like this:

.\UnrealFrontend.exe -RUN=CONVERT -INFILE=xxxxxxxxxx\Saved\Profiling\UnrealStats\Login-WindowsClient-07.20-16.00.45\Login-WindowsClient-20-16.00.45.uestats -OUTFILE=xxxxxxxxx\Saved\Profiling\UnrealStats\Login-WindowsClient-07.20-16.00.45\Login-WindowsClient-20-16.00.45.csv

But I found the .csv file only contains “STAT_FrameTime” performance metric.Then I could found “-STATLIST=” argument from

The problem is that I add the argument “-STATLIST” like the following command:

.\UnrealFrontend.exe -RUN=CONVERT -INFILE=xxxxxxxxxx\Saved\Profiling\UnrealStats\Login-WindowsClient-07.20-16.00.45\Login-WindowsClient-20-16.00.45.uestats -OUTFILE=xxxxxxxxx\Saved\Profiling\UnrealStats\Login-WindowsClient-07.20-16.00.45\Login-WindowsClient-20-16.00.45.csv -STATLIST=STAT_FrameTime+STAT_GameThreadTime+STAT_GPUFrameTime

Bug the .csv file is just only contains “STAT_FrameTime” performance metric. Where could I find stat’s FName?Could anyone tell me how to use “-STATLIST”?


found in UnrealEngine.cpp

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Thanks for your help~

I print the “State.ShortNameToLongName” then I could find all the available metrics.

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Hey. Can you be more specific on how you managed to print all the metrics?

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