How to package to Quest 2 from UE5.3.1?

I cannot find a tutorial anywhere for how to do this, I can preview in the engine just fine and I have been able to package out to 5.1 in the past but I want to take advantage of the new nanite and lumen features for VR. I can’t even find a working tutorial to package to the quest 2 from ue5.2.1…

If anyone can shed light on what the steps are or what specific SDK, NDK,Java ETC… combination works… that would be amazing.

If any devs from Unreal see this surely you know the answer… I can’t find any reliable documentation. I’m only trying to package the VR template.


This is what works for me for 5.2.1

but it even works for me setting
min, target, sdk api, ndk api all to 29/android-29

but really i just followed the typical 5.2 android setup, android studio 4.0, getting platform 8.0, running setupandroid.bat etc

This is even on a fresh install of windows
i just made sure i accepted the android sdk license for the project, gave it a usable package name, restarted computer for good measure after installing everything and i’m able to see the headset after accepting the pc fingerprint for developer mode

it indeed installs 25.1.8937393

even left location blank for sdk ndk, and java
(seems to have made user environment vars NDKROOT, NDK_ROOT, JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_HOME,ANDROID_SDK_HOME automatically %localappdata%\android\sdk\ndk\25.1.8937393, android studio’s jre folder, %localappdata%\android\sdk)

could just be my computer being slow but, it did fail to finish when trying to run on my quest 2, i had to tell it to build package for android_astc once before it was able to finish launching directly to quest 2