Is there any manual or guide how to package for the GO? I just find the info that 4.19 would be compatible with the GO and that we should package as for the Gear.
I need this info also, please!
waiting for this also
hey, have any of you guys deploy on oculus go as a developer mode?
I have a couple of environments to test but I don’t find the way to connect unreal to the Ogo
Ok Guys here are the adb drivers to connect your oculus go with your computer and unreal
now I need to figure it out how to install them lol
To install the ADB for the Go, right-click the .inf file and select Install, as described here:
With the Go connected to your PC via the USB cable, you should then be able to run
adb devices
from the command line at the location where adb.exe has been installed (by default, C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools if you installed CodeWorks from your engine install location as described here:
I’m working through this as well. Here’s what’s working for me:
- Get the ADB driver for the Oculus Go here: - Follow the directions to install ADB and to put your Go into developer mode.
- Install Android CodeWorks from your UE4 install directory\Engine\Extras\AndroidWorks\Win64
- You’ll likely need to reboot after this.
- After reboot, test that your Go is visible by running adb.exe with the devices keyword from wherever you installed your SDK through CodeWorks. By default, this will be C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools. Open a command-line here and type “adb devices” and be sure you see the serial number of your Go listed as one of the connected devices.
- If the Go is listed by ADB as “unauthorized,” check within your Go HMD to see whether a permission dialog requires you to authorize your PC to communicate with the Go, and approve it if needed.
- Generate an Oculus Signature file for the device as described here: and place the generated file in your engine directory or project directory as described.
- Construct a test project as described here:
- Ensure that the Oculus VR plugin is the only virtual reality plugin enabled for your project. If SteamVR is enabled, by default, disable it.
- By this point, you should see your Go listed in your device manager and the launch list, and should be able to launch to it. Expect the first launch to take a while.
Further info on required setup is available here:
I’ve successfully built a test project and deployed it to the Oculus Go by following these steps.
Edit: according to documentation here, you can skip the .osig file. Confirmed that Unreal will still deploy to the Go with the .osig file removed from \Engine\Build\Android\Java\assets
Also be sure to enable Mobile Multi-View and Mobile Multi-View Direct in your project settings → Rendering section.
You need to go to your Android SDK I think under platform-tools and get the path to the ADB program to find what devices are connected once your there open the command line navigate where the ADB tool is at and type
adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
emulator-5556 device
emulator-5558 device
your device should be listed, and then it should connect
then you need to put your device in developer mode on the application in your phone for oculus go
Additional edit - the Gear VR quickstart instructs you to set your minimum and target SDK versions to 19 - for the Go, it needs to be 21.
Have you tested these steps in 4.20? I just got my Oculus Go, and tried to follow your steps, as well as any documentation from Oculus and Epic, but I cannot seem to get it to work. The device shows up under devices, but I keep getting errors when I try to launch.
I put together a video tutorial and an example scene on how to do this for my day job. It’s for 4.19 but if someone tries it on 4.20 and runs into problem let me know and I’ll try and take a closer look.
This one through me off when I was working through the process initially. I think it successfully built to version 19 and I was able to view it in my headset, but then it got rejected once I tried to upload it to the store.
KevODoom. I have run thru your steps about 10 times, on a brand new Oculus go with a freshly installed brand new HDD and have had no luck. I have googled until my eyes are about to pop out and still cannot manage to get it to package and launch onto the Go. I can see it just fin in the abd devices command, and it shows up fine in the editor as a platform to launch to, but the editor just crashes every time I attempt to launch to it. I seriously will buy you an amazon giftcard for your troubles if I manage to get this working with your help. No joke! I am at that level now
Did you solve the problem I have it too ?
Have managed to get the free scene running. And have now created a simple scene using the gear Vr setup with some modifications. I can see my packaged scene in its folder with the scene in the same folder of the GO when connected to my laptop. As soon as I put on my headset it’s no where to be found. I can see the scene in unknown sources but nothing else. Any ideas?
Hi JimJams,
In my experience, when launching to the device directly, it will immediately open in the headset. But, I’m also able to open it by going to unknown sources, and launching it from there.
Can you launch your scene by selecting it from unknown sources inside of your Oculus Go? It should be possible to select it inside the headset to launch it this way.
If the issue is that you want to see it alongside other apps on your Go on the home page, then you’ll need to submit it to the Oculus Store:
This doesn’t mean you have to make it public, you can just treat it as a closed beta and then only users you invite to have the app will have access to download and run it.
Systems thank you so much for the swift reply!
I get the message that my scene has been successfuly deployed
But can’t see it in unknown sources on the actual Oculus Go.
Apart from your great sample scene. I can only assume then there must
Be something wrong with my scene although I’m certain it has worked!
Could you tell me if we always have to deploy to the GO or is it possible to package
an APK and drag it out the Go? I used to uses this way of doing it for Samsung Tablets
Rather than deploying which gave me better results.
Have a good new year.
Yes you can package it to an APK then install:
You can’t drag and drop it as far as I know, but you can use this command in the Command Prompt in Windows: “adb install C:/path/com.yourcompany.applicationame.apk” replacing the path and APK with the actual location and name of your package.
This guide seems to outline the process correctly, though I’ve only just found it, so your mileage may vary:
Good luck, and happy new year!