It’s obvious from Fortnite’s performance, an Epic Games production. And from other games utilizing Nanite. The performance will always be worse vs LOD optimization.
What we really need is the auto LOD algorimth to resemble Nanites scale down method. And a better dither effect. This temporal dither looks so bad.
If FN and City Sample (with no AI) run the same LOW FPS with the same settings.
As I tested for myself by changing the City Samples project settings to the most optimized settings I found in FN). Which was 51fps native 1080p on a RTX 3060
(no potato card here). That’s with no Motion blur, AA method, or any postprocess on high “60fps” lumen.
**It shows Nanite is not 60fps friendly unless you use an horrible, ghosting temporal upscaler on current gen hardware **
So wtf would I use Nanite for “detail”?
Certainly not for “performance”
Or “seamless LOD transition” since I can probably make my own dither effect for regular LODs.
The only reason to use this, is if you are a lazy developer who want to slap on DLSS to fix your problems. Thats it.
Of course million polygon assets are going to render better with Nanite. But the fact is you don’t need one million polygons assets. And most assets shouldn’t.
Nanite is not a magic wand. You can get great looking assets using lower poly meshes with small multi tiled textures. Warframe is a great example of that. Also, textures have far less Aliasing then high poly meshes.