How to Open Level with progress widget?

in bp class

class MATTHIOLA_API UAVGBlueprintFunctionLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary

bool UAVGBlueprintFunctionLibrary::MakeProgressLoadLevel()
	FLoadingScreenAttributes LoadingScreen;
	//LoadingScreen.bAutoCompleteWhenLoadingCompletes = true;
	//LoadingScreen.WidgetLoadingScreen = FLoadingScreenAttributes::NewTestLoadingScreenWidget(); // <-- test screen that comes with UE
	LoadingScreen.bAutoCompleteWhenLoadingCompletes = false;
	LoadingScreen.bMoviesAreSkippable = true;
	return true;

but it didn’t work

and I try this

bool UAVGBlueprintFunctionLibrary::MakeProgressLoadLevel()
	FLoadingScreenAttributes LoadingScreen;
	LoadingScreen.bAutoCompleteWhenLoadingCompletes = true;
	LoadingScreen.WidgetLoadingScreen = FLoadingScreenAttributes::NewTestLoadingScreenWidget(); // <-- test screen that comes with UE
	//LoadingScreen.bAutoCompleteWhenLoadingCompletes = false;
	//LoadingScreen.bMoviesAreSkippable = true;
	return true;

can not work.

This is my BP, I call this function in widget’s event graph.

I use UE 4.8.2 anyone help?

Has anybody found the solution? I’m also confused with loading screens :confused:

Hi! Try to call your “MakeProgressLoadLevel” method in “PreLoadMap” method of your GameInstance class.

Hi! As when Opening level, Game thread was blocked,but you can still receive ondraw in your Loading screen widget . so i suggest you make some progress calculate in ondraw, and the progress num you can mark progress in the Whole cycle of open level, then got by the widget.