Hey! So I have a animation, but I only want to use the facial bones in it and nothing else. Is there a way to only show a certain set of bones in an animation? Btw, the animation doesn’t use key frames since it was made outside of Unreal. Any help would be appreciated!
If by “Show” you meant to see the bones on a viewport (like animation blueprint, or animation window viewports) you can set to show only the bones selected on the skeleton tree in the character tab, above in the viewport window (after the perspective, lit, and show tab) so you go character>bones>selected only.
If you meant to show only those bones on the skeleton tree and you have a correct naming conversion you can type on the skeleton tree’s search box a word that those bones share, maybe “facial” they start by “mouth”, then the skeleton tree will show just those bones.
If by “Show” you meant to apply only the animation (a talking one, for example, done on those bones) over other animations as an additive inside the animation blueprint, then you’re looking for the layered blend per bone node, there you connect the animation in which you want to put the additive animation on (maybe an idle, or a walk) into the base pose pin and the additive in the blend pose 0 Pin (you can add more pins, and by extent, animations using the add pin option in the bottom), then on the details tab, you will see a layer setup, there you add a branch filter on the + button, by each parent bone of your facial rig (on mine, the jaw is the parent) and set the blend depth to 1 (the higher the number the higher the priority that bone will have, you can set a negative value -1 to exclude a bone) and then that out pose can go into the output or whatever another thing you need :).
Hope I solved your problem if not, just give me more info and I’ll try to help you if I can.
Thank you for the reply!! I tried the layered blend mode and this was the results. His face becomes all squished after compiling. I don’t know what I did wrong. I tried only using the mouth and eye parent bones as well instead of just the facial but I got the same result.
ok, can you show me your skeleton tree?, are you using shape keys driven by bones? or just bones weighted to the face?
Don’t worry, I know my japanese, hmm with facial in a layered per bone it would do, in the case they’re morph targets/shape keys driven by bones as it seems to be, check the animation your trying to set as an additive, to see if by itself the face crumples like that, if not try to check another anims that may be playing at the same time or earlier in the anim tree that also modify the facial expressions maybe they’re adding or overweighting your morph target causing it to look like that.
Sorry the skeleton has some weird names but I can translate if you need it. I believe its just bones weighted to the face, idk how to check
The animation plays fine alone. I think every bone, even unused ones are registered in the base animation as well as this one, that’s probably why they’re colliding.