How to move the player along a spline and be able to jump and and re-attach to the spline?

I was making a spline for the player but I do not find a method to jump from the spline and then attach again to the spline. As I am doing the movement with Tick, I get teleported to a future point instead of being in the place where I land.

Why detach from the spline? If you do the jump by just changing the player camera height, they will always remain attached.

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Imagine I’m the player and I’m in the spline but I want to jump somewhere because I have something to catch. After I’ve grabbed that, I want to go back to the spline, and I’d like the spline when I jump back to play from where I jumped. With the camera thing I wouldn’t fix anything, but I appreciate your response. Another solution I have thought of is to make a spline mesh that moves all over the spline and simulates that, this way I can do anything. But I’m not sure how to do this.

Hey @Chevidal451! Welcome to the forums!

What is the method/reasoning for moving along the spline? A cart? Railcar? In any case, can we see the blueprints that you have so far? This will give us a better grasp of where you need to make any changes.

Any additional specifics you provide will go a long way in solving your problem!