I would like to know, if I can remove or move the folder “DerivedDataCache”. It’s stored on my SSD (C:\Users\bobmartien\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\4.4) even if I installed UE4 and my projects on my other Disk.
This guy is more than 10Gb.
I found on Hourence that we can move it from C:/ to the project folder by adding these lines in the DefaultEngine.ini
So, I tried it. I created a new blank project with the starter map.
And added these lines in the DefaultEngine.ini (E:/Myprojectname/Config).
I opened the map and now everything is lagging. It’s just the starter map.
I did something wrong ? How to move DerivedDataCache from C:/ ?
How I can check if it’s working ?
Specifically, the response by shows that you may need to add your file path to more places than the one I suggested earlier. Just make sure you change the bold part of his response to match the file path you want to you for your projects.