I’m making Procedural dungeon. so i can’t pre-define Navmesh volume.
i have own A* Pathfinding. so Pathfinding itself is no problem i think. (i can make Proper path points)
only problem is my Ai won’t move along that points.
i used Movedirectlytowards but Ai behavior tree just looping, there is no move.
i think they can’t find way to move that point, so fail… but it’s straight line with same Z value…
how can i solve this problem?
thank you
thank you for reply, i have never been use add impulse before,with physics? great i will try.
currently i make move to location task. it seem works but not surely
Im not sure if you need more help but I can give you more info.
You just need to add logic for when your AI receives a NewLocation.
I believe MoveDirectlyTowards requires a Navmesh. I would use the AddImpulse node on an AI that was simulating physics.
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thank you for your kind and info is very helpful
Thanks for this! I used this on a flying actor in my game using Add Actor World Offset, and it works perfect
Your reply should’ve been marked as the answer.
you can also use movecomponento on the root component or just vinterp the actor location