As you can see I want to have some kind of randomly generated terrain material, if possible with more than just two textures and in the best case I would have some blending effect between the different tiles.
I dont know about the random/blended one, though with some decent math might be doable.
There is a checkerpattern node in the material editor. (and its tiling can be controlled by a texturecoordinate node)
you then drag off a multiply and connect that with desired texture.
also drag off another wire into a oneminus, multiply that with the 2nd desired texture.
If you combine a few checkerpatterns with different tiling sizes… you might be able to decently randomize which one ends up being texture one, or texture two.
You might need some math/or modify the checkerpattern material function to make it blending though.
Thanks a lot! I’m still very unfamiliar with the material editor could you elaborate what the “Add” node at the end is, I don’t seem to find a blue one, also what’s the node that say “1-x”? I would really appreciate your help. Thanks for your effort!
If you rightclick on a preview node, it turns blue.
1-x is a one-minus node, and basically inverts the output. (so white becomes black, black becomes white)
The randomization, unless you know loads of math, could be created by creating a few variations of the checkerpattern, and lerping a multitude of them.
I cant help you with the rotation, and you can change the size by adding a vec2 (hold down “2” and left mouse click) put in a value, and connect it to the “tiling (v2)” input of the checkerpattern.
So I’ve made some progress. Instead of the blue “Add” node I used the green one and it seems to work. But as I said I don’t know my way around the material editor… maybe I’m just going to make a new question about this but still: How can I randomize this now and how can I change the size (and maybe even rotation of the different tiles?