How to merge skeletal meshes

Bought a modular pack where you can swap out parts and clothing, How do I make these seperate items into one skeletal mesh? for animating ect. I’ve tried a few options and none seem to work. Thanks

Hello , welcome to the Unreal Forums!

It sounds like you are working with modular characters. You’ll have to go into the Construction Script for your character to build them piece by piece. This process is explained in detail on this page, and the modular character pack you bought may have an example that you can look at as well.

Please let me know if this works for you! Good luck!

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Just forewarning, I attempted to perform the Skeletal Mesh Merge it instructs you to do and got a serious compilation error. Nearly lost a project because of it. Do not implement them.

I have to find another way to merge skeletal meshes, because that was scary.

It’s a documented issue with this code too, FYI.

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If the function exists, delete the definition and call the existing function with the correct parameters.

Don’t rename the function and use the one you wrote/copied. Which is likely dated and probably the issue.

Implementing runtime mesh merge is also completely pointless unless you need to run over a system with no resources (mobile).

And the engine likely includes its own procedure by now / have a look at github for someone else’s implementation if you aren’t familiar with coding.
Not to mention theres probably 10 different marketplace plugins for it…

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Not to revive an old thread, but do you know of any plugins that would do this at runtime that are actually updated?
I’m trying to find one for 5.1 as the performance increase is needed for said project, however I’m wondering with advances in the engine make it redundant. (Currently using 4.27)

Need is a factor of usage.
Say you have modular characters, and there’s 10 on screen, each with 10 skeletal meshes… That’s 100 skeletal meshes that could be just 10.
Scale that up tenfold for something like a crowd, and you can see why merging them down is the best way to go for all aspects of everything - performance, memory, draw call count, etc.

What is wrong with just making your own solution out of the provided examples?

Note that the lack of Morph Targets can be a problem for this, if you need facial animation for instance, you can’t merge the face with it.
It’s a lot of work to get the morphs to copy as well, it requires extra CPU stress, so it’s probably best to leave the parts separate in that case…

Needless to say that if the struct is already defined, guess what. don’t re-define it. :wink:

Hahaha… fair enough.
The code I was trying to implement was put into a plug-in in 5.1. No wonder my code doesn’t work. Lol.

it’s so simply, just move all of the objects to the viewport then from details select all of the object you want to merge then go to the top screen and click on tools then click on
“merge actors” and you got it.

Not for the skeletal meshes.

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