Suppose I have a delegate declared as follows:
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FAbilityActivateDelegate, UDEPRECATED_Ability*, Ability);
As you can see I still need to pass an object of a deprecated class. But now UHT is complaining:
Function is using a deprecated class: 'UDEPRECATED_Ability'. Function should be marked deprecated as well.
This is the associated property in a class beneath the delegate’s declaration:
UPROPERTY(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintAssignable, meta = (DeprecatedProperty))
FAbilityActivateDelegate OnActivate_DEPRECATED;
I tried using UE_DEPRECATED
, and renaming FAbilityActivateDelegate
to FDEPRECATED_AbilityActivateDelegate
or FAbilityActivateDelegate_DEPRECATED
but nothing worked.
Any help is highly appreciated.