How to map actions and axis in player controller if possibl

is it possible to map actions and axes in the player controller rather than in the character, and if yes can someone explain the process of doing it.

C++ or BP?

c++ would be of preference

Not only is it possible, it’s where it should be. Override SetupInputComponent in your player controller and do all the bindings there.

Eg. (pseudo):

void AMyPlayerController::SetupInputComponent()

	this->InputComponent->BindAction("Walk", EInputEvent::IE_Pressed, this, &AMyPlayerController::OnWalkStart);
	this->InputComponent->BindAction("Walk", EInputEvent::IE_Released, this, &AMyPlayerController::OnWalkEnd);

void AMyPlayerController::OnWalkStart()
	AMyCharacter* character = Cast<AMyCharacter>(this->GetCharacter());
	if (character)

void AMyPlayerController::OnWalkEnd()
	AMyCharacter* character = Cast<AMyCharacter>(this->GetCharacter());
	if (character)

Thanks you a lot for the example