So I want use the HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh component to place a large amount of static meshes in a scene, but I want to place them in the scene manually, not procedurally.
I know you can place them manually in the blueprint viewport, but I want to place them in the main scene viewport.
I also know about the foliage tool, but I need the objects to snap and align to the grid, and the foliage tool does not seem allow for ‘Snap Origin to Grid’.
The only way, I know to place actors more efficiently, is to place it in 3ds MAX scene.
You can export it to one fbx, and then import a whole scene into unreal by clicking “Import into Level” button in the editor.
Every object, that has been instanced in MAXscene, may be instanced in the UE4. To do so you need to check “Preserve Instances” when exporting.
Working that way, will save you from place it procedurally in the blueprint.
But I don’t know about HISM. It would be nice, if same process can be done with that.
For now I use a tool called “Instanced Tool”(see in Marketplace) to work that way.