How to make VR pawn rotate around itself and not the origin?

Hey, I’m using thumbstick locomotion for a vr pawn and it’s working ok, however if I step back from the sensors, when I turn (yaw) using the thumbstick, my pawn rotates around the origin center, which is really close to the sensors, instead of rotating around itself.

how do I fix this? here’s my code:

When you add actor world rotation, the target you are applying it to is “self.” So where is this code located? If it’s in the pawn’s blueprint then you might want to check if you are in local or world space. If it is in the level, then you may actually be rotating the level instead of the pawn. I’d also look for addactorlocalrotation node. Check out this video, should be helpful for you. WTF Is? Add Actor World Rotation in Unreal Engine 4 ( UE4 ) - YouTube

Also could you please answer my question, or if not could you up vote it so maybe someone does?