How to make UVS to have a texture/mask always in the center of an object, and always facing the camera?

Currently I have a material that kind of works, but its using a reflection vector, so its not quite right.

I would like to figure out a way to make UVs that will always face the camera and always be centered on the object. I want to give the appearance that the peace sign is always in the center of the orb, and always facing the camera, as if something was floating inside of this orb. I’m trying to do it this way to avoid using transparency, but achieving this same effect. Any help is super appreciated, thank you!

There are some prebuilt UV functions you could use for this. One example is the virtual plane, it will render a flat UV plane with a desired normal vector. Use the camera vector to set up the normal, and it should always face the camera as a result.
I use this a lot for fake transparent effects.

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going to try this momentarily, thank you!

This is the setup I ended up going with based on your comment. Great node to find, thank you!

In case image ever gets deleted, I’m using a virtualplanecoordinates node.
In that node, I’m plugging (ObjectPosition-CameraPosition) into a normalize node, and plugging that into Plane Normal Axis on the Virtual Plane Coordinates Node.
I’m plugging Object Position into Plane Center.
Finally, I plugged 200 into UV scale, and it looks exactly how I wanted it to.

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