How to make the widget updated in everyone in multiplayer game?

Hello everyone, I will ask for help on a subject. I have a voice chat system that is currently running. When I press the “V” key, I want my name to appear on the screen of all players. When I press the “V” key again, I want it to disappear from the screen. How can I do such a thing. Widgets and replication processes are a bit complicated :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Make dispatcher in one of replicated classes, i think GameState is proper blueprint to do it.

So make dispatcher there, and event (event should have variable telling which player triggered it).

Then from player controller trigger that event in game state, which triggers dispatcher.

Now from player controller hook to that dispatcher in GameState. But this time it will be triggered for every player in networked game.

And you can send message to everybody that some player wants to chat.


  • dispatcher in GameState
  • EVENT in GameState that triggers dispatcher
  • Player controller hooks (assigns) to that DISPATCHER in GameState
  • When player press V, its own player controller calls that EVENT in GameState
  • since every player controller is hooked to dispatcher, they will recive event telling somebody triggered it.

Could you please explain very briefly with images??