How to make the multicast function invisible to the player client itself

My FPS strategy is to keep the first person and third person separate, so the first person player model is just an arm, and the third person player model is a complete character to show to others.
Hey,guys,I have some problems now, I want to make the third person shooter effect multicast, but the local client can’t see the firing effect because the first person will replace it, I can’t do it…
Can you help me :upside_down_face:

Two options that I’ve tried and they seem to work:

  1. Make the caller character one of the parameters of the Server and NetMulticast functions; when the player receives a multicast function call, check if this player was the initial caller.
  2. Keep an array of player controllers on the server side, and call Client function in a ForEach loop instead of a NetMulticast function, but don’t call it for the initial client.
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Thank you. You’ve been a big help!! :sparkling_heart:

A much simpler approach is just to check if IsLocallyControlled inside the multicast and skip if true.