So I am not sure which section this belongs in but I am working on a top down 2.5D shmup and we want to kind of design out levels based off of Raiden 4. My questions are:
- How do I go about creating backgrounds to put on a plane that will not stretch when I apply the material texture to the plane?
- How do I make it so that the camera is basically the one moving the player through the level and the player mainly just moves around the level?
- How do I make an invisible wall that will not allow the player to move outside the barriers of the camera view but also have it move with the camera?
Now I may be way off on how they are making these levels but I mainly want to try to replicate it. If anyone has any answers to these 3 questions or just better information on how to make levels like Raiden 4 please let me know. Also if I am unclear in my questions or what I am asking for please let me know and I will try to be more specific. 
Thanks in advance!
So I was able to get the background to scroll. Is there anyway to change materials at a certain time on the background. So like say I want a purple space material to scroll on the plane but then want it to change to a space material that is blue how would I go about doing that?
This should help you change the material via blueprints. and if you want to change the material at a certain time you can do it with a trigger (if you want it to change at a certain point in the level) or use the delay function in blueprints.
For your questions about making the side scroller features for your game there are many tutorials on youtube that do an amazing job explaining this. I am not sure if Unreal Engine’s channel has a playlist yet but I did find a good one Let me know if none of these are what you are wanting and I can do a better job at answering your questions.
So I did look at both of your links but I don’t think that is totally what I am going for. To give you a better example here is a video [All Clear] Raiden IV - Arcade mode - Xbox360 - YouTube skip to about 2:05 from then on is more of what I am trying to go for. 
Okay I have never made a side scroller game since I focus on 3d but give me a day or two and I will see if I can help figure this out with you
Cool! thank you very much! It is greatly appreciated