How to make post process darker but not darken the lights?

I have a simple day/night cycle I want it to be dark at night. If I change the pot process settings to look dark at night it makes all the lights darker as well.

Does anyone here know of a way to make a scene darker in the post process without making everything darker.? Making the lights darker kill the reason to have dark.

Okay I found out from a helpful person you can actually set the intensity into negative numbers, doing this with my sky light and sun seemed to make nights actually dark. But for some reason all my meshes seem to have a slight glow around them? Their material are not setup to produce light either.

Yeah I have them set on a timeline so their intensity decreases, it works somewhat but to get the complete effect I need to make my postprocess less bright.

Hey Have you tryed changing the directional light and other sun lights off or to black at night?

I hope this Helps :slight_smile:

In case this is still an issue, or anyone else comes looking:


Playing around with the exponent will change darkness. Mathematically: When you multiply numbers close to 1, they stay close to 1 - while numbers close to 0, will be even closer to 0; when multiplied with themselves.