How to make OWN MATERIAL NODE for Material Editor

Hello there I’m try to reach the goal of making or editing Unreal Engine from C++ side.
One of the things I always wanted to know is how to make a MATERIAL NODE for which could be spawned at the material editor. For instance something like below which is NOT a CUSTOM NODE :

Now I have came across some articles where this topic was touched; however never got explained clearly one how does it work

  1. Creating own material nodes?

2.Custom material node to extract UTexture2D data in C++ - #3 by oktomus_tuatara

While the article no.2 does give the insight; however; my first AIM is to call a .usf as a native material node for instance the SkyAtmosphereViewLuminance node which does gives off the color from SkyAtmosphere.usf

So here I created a very basic .usf named " test_f.usf "

AS I noticed that all material nodes have a “MaterialExpression” named file I also tried to make one:

However I’m getting errors . .

Now, all these are in a Plugin module which is for shader only and has the below build.cs

Also, the load-phase is “PostConfigInit” as it’s what any Shader module needs to have.

You may ask why I want to do such thing via a Plugin. .
I just want it to be modular and avoid editing engine code as much as possible; also this " GENERIC " plugin is a free for all for Unreal.

Now could anyone give me some info on how I can call/link my .usf to MaterialExpression and also make it possible to appear as a spawnable material node ? ?

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@oktomus_tuatara I have found the way and was able to make bunch of nodes :slight_smile:

I’ll make a tuto on this soon. The best part is I no longer have to get headache dealing with node noodles. . .

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Hi! I am stuck with the same problem. Could you share your solution? Thx in advance :slight_smile:

Hi there we have sent you the support channel link. Check your email

Also for anyone interested creation of these advanced type of nodes directly please contact us via link below