Hello, I’m trying to replicate the way the invisibility pick up works in the halo games, is a fade from the regular materials to a translucent material, If you take damage or fire you start getting opaque smoothly. If you stop taking damage or firing if the timer is still running you turn invisible again. I have a way working but doesn’t fade smoothly it just assigns the translucent material and I also have this other way that is a masked material that turns the opacity to 0 and then I assign the translucent but doesn’t look the way I want nor I can fade smoothly. What would be the best way to achieve this?
Here’s an example from halo infinite but is basically the same idea. from sec 19 and forward https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x20mfBkf_bg
Create an Opacity parameter in the parent material class.
Apply the Material Instance to the character.
In character construction create a Dynamic Material Instance… promote the return to a variable (e.g. DMICharacterSkin)
To apply fade use Set Scalar Parameter Value
to adjust opacity.
My character has textures and my mats are opaque or masked if I change to translucent it will make the textures look different. i need some distortion or refraction so just making the opacity lower won’t give me the result I’m looking for. Thank you tho
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