Hi, I was wondering how to make dynamic shadows not disappear with distance.
I was able to tweak the settings so that the the shadow of medium sized sphere never disappears,even if the camera is all the way at the end of the map. (I used a 400X400 scale plane for the map floor, so it takes about 1 minute for the first person character to walk from one end to the other, to give you an idea of the distance).
But small or thin objects’ shadows disappear much more quickly, than the medium sized sphere’s shadows.
I could not get “far shadows” to work, either. Even after following this guide:
What should I do??
Edit: If it helps, I’m using a moveable directional light and forward rendering is enabled. I’m also using version 4.20.
There’s a console command called “Min screen shadow radius” or something like that. Which you can reduce. However that just mitigates the issue. You can increase the number of shadow cascades. Try using raytracing distance field shadows. Or toggle on far shadow cascades for big objects.
Contact shadows can be used to fake shadows for really small objects but they are far from perfect. .
Also, do you know the reason why exactly Unreal has such a hard time with dynamic shadows of small objects and why their shadows seem to fade away more quickly than large object’s shadows?