Hey everyone, i’m wanting to know how to create a Blueprint that’s based around Swords/Melee Collision styled combat, that is customizable, my ideal goal is to have a Weapon system that works off when triggered during the animation and if it registers a hit or Block it will do damage if Hit on enemy target and stop doing damage right after and triggering say after “Hit animation”, same goes with when blocked but does not damage, how would one go about doing this, i have heard about Anim notifies but i can’t get my head around it and how i would trigger the weapon’s collision during that time mind you it’s a 3rd person game and i’m looking at a Multiplayer game where you can switch weapons and all so the weapons aren’t made on the model they are seperate.
i’m sorry if my explanation is poor x-x never been great with explaining stuff and thanks for those who read and reply and attempt to help me, this will really help me move forward with my first project i’m really keen on creating it, i’ve tried doing it on my own and searching around the web on ways to do it but there’s no real explanation on how. Thanks =)