I am using floating pawn movement to allow my character to fly. However, the character does not turn to face the direction of movement when flying in this manner. How can I implement a way for my character to turn to face direction of movement for floating pawn movement?
Just to be clear, you want the pawn’s movement direction to determine which way the pawn is facing, and not use player input (such as mouse or gamepad stick input) to allow the player to look around?
Basically, I want it to be like the “Orient Rotation To Movement” found on the default Character Movement, but for the Floating Pawn Movement. The player should be able to pan around like in the default Character Movement, but when the character moves around in flight mode (Floating Pawn Movement) he should turn to face the direction of movement input.
Also, I tried implementing your solution into mine, and it did not work. Remember, I am basing it off the Character template, not starting from scratch with a Pawn.
Pretty sure that’s a box you check in the character BP it comes inherent with that
Did you look at the picture I posted?
Floating Pawn Movement does not have a “Orient Rotation To Movement” checkbox unlike Character Movement.
While I could simply just check for Controller Rotation Yaw, I want the player to have the ability to pan around the character without rotating.
No sorry, was responding from phone. I will take a look later and see if I can help
Yo…it’s not even been 24 hrs haha I have never used the floating pawn movement before so I was messing around with it. And I ended up creating a pawn BP because I wanted to make sure nothing used character movement which I am almost positive the “movement input” nodes are using. So I was trying to isolate just floating pawn movement since you can’t remove character movement from the character BP due to inheritance it is hard to tell you if you are even using the right movement component under the hood when in a character BP. But that’s where I stopped. So I may try later but at the moment no easy fix sorry.
Check out this thread and the 4.18 version of the project. It has a flying ship with floating pawn movement component.
I know how to call Floating Pawn Movement. What I am trying to do is implement a system in Floating Pawn Movement similar to “Orient Rotation to Movement” found in the default Character Movement. While I could just check for Controller Rotation Yaw, I want the player to be able to pan around the character while in flight, which cannot happen if I checked for yaw.
I have the same problem with an AI character I made. I tried putting a set look at rotation on tick but for some reason it did not seem to be working correctly. I could have just done something wrong. Here is how I am trying to do it. Maybe if we can find the issue with this and fix it then it will be a solution.