Hi, i was learning Unreal Engine 4, now i wants to make a board game. i didn’t found any tutorials for that anywhere. So how do I make a board game in Unreal Engine 4? Please help me with any blog or video tutorial of making board game in Unreal Engine 4.
the idea of a board game wouldnt be that hard to implement depending on the type of game your looking to make. though i dont know of any tutorials. the hardest part would be the computer ai and decision making. the basic things you would need are a way to increment the turns of the players, a way to move the pieces, and a win condition. for the changing turns you could just have a ui button for end turn which would run a custom event in the game mode to switch the active player. for the movement you could use a button that “rolls a dice” and moves the pawn via a ai move to. win objective is dependent on your game. while writing this i had a monopoly type game in mind.
Yeap, I’m trying now to implement the system like you said, Thank you.
if you are really new then it could be a bit much for you. take it slow and divide each system into small parts that are easy to manage and work on.
Yeah, and I will, hope I can finish the project properly.
There are plenty of tutorials of turn based strategy games on youtube, and basically a boardgame is a TBS game,
try looking up turn based tutorials, and you will find what you need for your project. Mostly
Oh yeah, I got it now more clearly. Thank you bro that may will solve my problem I hope.