I’m essentially a beginner in Unreal Engine 5, and I’m trying to export my 3D game to work on low specs pc’s.
I’ve been disabling raytracing and removed any unnecessary items and it still seems to be lagging. My 3D game is in third person mode and is made up of .fbx assets and a couple of simple behaviour trees with A.I. characters.
Please help.
Any kind of advice is greatly appreciated.
Hey @DrragosM!
Have you tried optimizing your game, using things like LODs and Mipmaps for example, to lower the graphics to meet the needs of PCs with lower end specs? Check out the links in this thread for more information
I hope the above points you in the direction you need!
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For those coming from Google, like me, also check out this other topic (which coincidentally was posted by me and I didn’t remember it when googgling ):
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