At first I thought Id just make an Empty level then put some type of light source in it but I couldnt figure it out.
Then I tried to box off the floor area with blacked out meshed planes but that didnt work.
To create level like this you should first get to know types of lights, maybe use of volumetric fog to have cool smoke efect. Ground can be made using plane and texture, but u can also learn basic of blender and create your own “box”. Some postprocess tricks and others you can learn on UE4 yt channel. If you have problem with something else don’t be afraid to ask!
Good level design requires a lot of work and knowledge, but recreating stuff is very good to start, good luck!.
Thank you.
Im not too worried about the ground, I understand that part. I just dont know how the whole skybox seems to be just black, but yet we can still see the character.
Its a little confusing…
Are you saying this is mostly a Lighting and Post-Process effect?