How to make an AI character slow down when it is approaching a nav link proxy?

Is there a way to make an AI character slow down when it is approaching a nav link proxy? Unfortunately, the “Use Acceleration For Paths” option in the character movement component only seems to work when the character is approaching its destination. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can achieve this?

I use the nav link proxy to enable my AI character to open doors. Once the AI character enters the nav link proxy, it pauses its path, and then it resumes its path once the door is open.

I thought about somehow moving the goal destination to the nav link proxy if the agent encounters one in its path, and then do another MoveTo to the original goal location (or the next nav link proxy) once the door is open. However, this just seems unnecessarily complicated and I’m not sure if it is even possible to detect any nav link proxies along an agent’s current path.

I solved it by modifying the engine code.