How to make an actor ignore all collisions but those coming from projectiles?

Yet still block all the other actors.

What I’m trying to do is making an object explode using Apex when hit by the projectile and throw all the bits and pieces around - yet I also don’t want it to move a single pixel when e.g. I press my character against it, likewise I also want my character to be blocked by it.

One solution is setting linear dampening to something like 10000 and it works except the target actor wouldn’t throw its parts around at all when struck by the projectile, just crack.

In projectile’s OnHit function I also tried to do it like this:

if (UDestructibleComponent* DComp = Cast<UDestructibleComponent>(OtherComp))
DComp->ApplyDamage(100.0f, DComp->GetComponentLocation(), GetVelocity(), 25000.0f);

e.g. setting linear damping back to “explodey” only when the projectile hit is registered - but that setting is being ignored - I guess it’s updated only at the end of the tick and that tick isn’t coming fast enough or something?

So how should I solve this?

You don’t have to apply damage when you collide with an object. A projectile component can use the “Bounce” event on which you can decide to apply damage of a certain type and cause to the object. For pushing it you could simply use physics or add an impulse / add relative location transform whenever the collision of the character overlaps with the object. You can use both overlap and block.

You can turn off physical simulation entirely, and just turn the object into a collision blocker. Then you can detect when a projectile impacts it, and switch it to simulation (perhaps) or whatever else you need to do to make it start moving.