How to make a vertical fog?

Hi !
I’m making a game kinda like only up, you have to go higher and higher. It’s not the same game i just took the concept of going up all the time.
Only thing is that i have a fog and the higher you go the less you should see below, however, when i reach a certain altitude the fog just don’t work anymore.

If i put the fog higher then if you go on the ground you can’t see anything caus the higher i put the fog the thicker it get.

How can i just have a fog everywhere all the time at the same value ?
Thanks !

Use a post process instead of the fog actor

Hello thank you for your reply, it’s very usefull i know i’ll have to use it at some point and i didn’t know it was possible. However it’s not a resolution to my problam as this fog is not like the exponential fog as it’s hiding very far background and the sky… it’s more using for interiors of localized ambience.

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