How to make a translucent material cast a coloured shadow?


I am currently running into the following problem:
I have a static mesh, which should be rendered with a coloured glass material. I found a lot of examples for such a material, and it is working fine, but there seems to be no way of getting this object to cast its colourful shadow (throughpassing light). The material blend mode is set to translucent.
I´d appreciate any hint, or idea.

Hi Canes,

This doc page should help you get started: Using Colored Translucent Shadows in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

The biggest thing to remember is that Translucent Colored Shadows can only happen with a light with its mobility set to Static. If it’s Stationary or Movable it will not work.

Give the steps in that documentation page a try and if you have any follow-up questions I can help. :slight_smile:



I’ve tried setting this up exactly as is shown in the documentation, but I’m still not getting the color to transfer. Is there something I might be missing? I’ve attached an image of the shader on the ‘glass’ object, and I’ve set the light to static also. I even tried in UE5 and it didn’t work there either.

Thanks in advance!

Did you see this post?

As far as I can see, it only works when ALL lights are static, not just the one passing through the glass.

Also, the results often seem pretty poor, you might be better off with an emissive material.

Any progress on this? I’m facing the same exact problem on UE 4.25.