So the thing is that I have character controller and character class both in c++. But I want to make a timeline in BP. But I dont know how that would work. I tryed to make a sub BP class from my character c++ class and I made a bluepritnt to switch fov with timeline when I press left shift(When I am running), but nothing happened. I checked with print string and input wasnt even being send. I guess because i was using c++ character class while playing and not that BP one. So do I need to make that timeline in c++ then or is there another way how I can make BP that will handle fov change with input and somehow connect it to my character cpp class?
Ahmad here.
It sounds like you’re trying to mix C++ and Blueprint in Unreal, which can be tricky. If you created a Blueprint subclass from your C++ character class, make sure you’re using that Blueprint version in the game for it to detect the BP inputs and actions. When placing the character in the world or spawning it, ensure it’s the BP version. As for the timeline, you can definitely create it in BP and call C++ functions from there. Remember if you’re using BP to detect input, make sure the input detection in C++ isn’t overriding or conflicting with it. Good luck and keep experimenting!
Thanks. So first i make BP class and put in in game. Then if i want to add something to this class in c++ do i make a subclass of this BP class?
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