How to make a super cube shader


I’m looking to make something

But I don’t really know how I can make it. For the moment I only have

I’m a programmer and I need to make it. I have already watch the Material videos on the Unreal Engine channel and see the material documentation but I don’t know how I can make it.

Thanks a lot

Someone can help me?

Hi . Thanks for the post,

I believe what you need is an instance of the material that you have already made. I am including a link to our tutorial page on material instances.

You can use this to create an instance of your material, convert the color node to a parameter and then you can change the color either per instance, or at runtime. If you have any other questions or this was not the answer that you were looking for just respond with a comment and I will be happy to look into this further for you.


Hello ,
this image is so beautiful, you are right that game with such vision will have great success.
Can you succeed to make something similar like your cubes picture above?