How to make a sub class of TransformNonVectorized.h?

I want to make a sub class of FTransform TransformNonVectorized.h to implement my own functionality without messing with the engine code.
I tried this


bu tthis is not working, I can’t access protected members.


For this sort of thing it’s probably better you don’t. Unreal doesn’t really support derived structures very well in native and not at all in blueprint.

The standard C++ solution would be to use a namespace:

namespace TransformUtils
     bool IsEqual_Array_Transform( ... );

however the downside to this is that you can’t make anything that is blueprint callable.

The UE solution that allows for blueprint callable stuff would be a blueprint function library:

class UTransformUtils : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
     static bool IsEqual_Array_Transform( ... );

In either case you won’t be able to access the members directly and you’d access them through whatever the normal accessors are for FTransform.

If you still want to proceed on this course (which isn’t recommended), you should include actual compilation errors and not just screenshots of the red squiggles.

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Thank you Sir for the information