How to make a spherical (sound) ripple effect decal


In one of the Unreal Engine tutorials about AI, they showed a ripple effect [1] to visualize that a sound was emitted.

I tried to reproduce that effect using a simple decal material, but whatever they do seems to be more sophisticated.

If you look closely the ripple effect is even visible around the corners of the wall and floor, and does not become as stretchy as a decal would become.

Does anyone have an idea on how to reproduce something like this? Thank you :slight_smile:

I think the Sphere Mask node is what you are looking for. You can have the mask logic in your master material and then feed the world location position of the sound as a vector3 parameter, but that means that all the assets in your scene need to be an instance of the same master material.
Not sure if there is a better way of doing it tho

Edit: instead of the Sphere Mask you could even just make a sphere SDF using the world location of the FX as its center