How to make a noise material

Hello !

How to make a noise material like this : noise.PNG
Sorry i’m french :slight_smile: Thank you

It would probably be easiest to try making a normal map in photoshop. Most of the detail from a surface like that comes from the normals and you might be able to get away with a very flat base color and specular. Sometimes a very subtle AO from the normals will add depth but be careful as it is easy to go overboard and make it look grimey.
nVidia makes a free photoshop filter for converting heightmaps to normal maps. Xnormal can also convert heightmaps to normals if you have some way to get a heightmap that resembles the pattern you want.

If you want to try to generate the noise normals dynamically in the material, it is possible but expensive. You can try using the “Noise” material node by giving it “WorldPosition” as the input. It needs to be used 3 times in conjunction with “Normal from Function”, each using one of the offset coordinates from the “Normal from Function” output. You can try using things like Power with varying exponents to change the curvature of the noise result to create the more billowy shapes depicted on that above texture (some kind of roller paint material or stucco perhaps?). You may need to play with various noise settings but something resembling the above should be possible.