November 29, 2023, 1:30am
hello! so i’m making a 2.5D platformer and i want to make a grid-based level editor. you click - block appears on your mouse position with grid. i mean you can draw with these blocks.
November 29, 2023, 1:58am
Yes! Make a grid, have a click handler, spawn blocks.
What’s the question?
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November 29, 2023, 6:39am
Have a look here for something somewhat similar:
You can use the normal of hit surface to find direction:
The above is in the Level Blueprint but should, ideally, be in the Player Controller. This is just a proof of concept so things can be scripted much better. Consider wrapping some reusable bits in functions.
script to copy to speed things up (you will need to clean it up):
project link:
the result
Because of my lessons I have small time
The thing is that if you’re unable to do A and B on your own now, you’re abso…
You will need more script, ofc, but it could be a start.