You can use the normal of hit surface to find direction:
The above is in the Level Blueprint but should, ideally, be in the Player Controller. This is just a proof of concept so things can be scripted much better. Consider wrapping some reusable bits in functions.
- script to copy to speed things up (you will need to clean it up):
- project link:
- the result
Because of my lessons I have small time
The thing is that if you’re unable to do A and B on your own now, you’re absolutely not ready to tackle C, D and the rest of the alphabet. Do take your time to understand the basics, otherwise you’ll be wasting time later on banging your head against the wall and thus accomplishing little.
- adding more stuff:
– look into and understand how HISM components and their Instances work, the dos & don’ts
– look into how Per Instance Custom Data works - this can provide some serious optimisation benefits depending on how complex the systems become
– Instanced Dynamic Materials will be handy
– if you’re seriously considering working with HISMs on a larger scale, absolutely do look into the operations Sets offer - unique and efficient
– Map container will be useful, too
So many things to learn and @EPIC just keeps adding new stuff. One can never keep up