Hello there , Im trying to find a way to convert a Runtime Float Curve into a Float Curve ( which could be used as to the Set Curve to a Timeline. I’m not a pro on unreal C++ ; so i suck at this early time
here is so far i did and error im facing
Hello there , Im trying to find a way to convert a Runtime Float Curve into a Float Curve ( which could be used as to the Set Curve to a Timeline. I’m not a pro on unreal C++ ; so i suck at this early time
here is so far i did and error im facing
You can create a curve asset at runtime.
UPROPERTY(EditInstanceOnly, Category = "Timeline")
FRuntimeFloatCurve Curve;
TObjectPtr<UCurveFloat> CurveAsset;
void AMyActor::PostInitializeComponents()
if (GetWorld()->IsGameWorld())
UCurveFloat* NewCurve = NewObject<UCurveFloat>(this, NAME_None, RF_Transient);
NewCurve->FloatCurve = *Curve.GetRichCurve();
CurveAsset = NewCurve;
TimelineComponent->AddInterpFloat(CurveAsset, FOnTimelineFloatStatic::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnTimelineFloat));