How To Make a Edit Mode?


I’m fairly new to Unreal, so sorry if I’m posting in the wrong section.

But, I am making a 3rd person game where my character is mostly in his house, and I am trying to implement a function where the character can enter an edit mode in game, and change the materials/mesh of the home.

For example: pressing “e” will put you in edit mode, where I can select a rug and change its material and/or shape by selecting an option that has been predetermined. Entering edit mode will pause the game and would save the changes.

That is best case scenario.

I see a lot of this sort of thing in ArchViz videos and demos, but I’ve never seen this exact thing in a 3rd person game. I have no idea how to go about this, though. Any suggestions or even a point in the right direction would be wonderful and greatly appreciated.


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