How to make a byte pointer from blueprint to c++?

I want to pass as argument of a function any type of structure.
I did some tests in C++ and the byte pointer works perfectly.

The problem is that apparently it is not allowed to use a byte pointer from blueprints.



I have not tried this yet but I think something like this could be the solution.



So the problem would be how to convert any structure to an FString from bluprints.

Any idea how to do it?
Thank you so much!!

Unfortunately doing this is a real headache.
It is much easier to work only with C++ and with concrete structures.
Anyway I found some interesting information.
I leave it here in case anyone is interested.

This works!!

UFUNCTION(Blueprintcallable, Category = test)
void Test(USaveGame* saveGame, TSubclassOf< USaveGame> SaveGameClass);

It’s not a byte pointer but at least you can pass pointers to UObjects… that’s something!!