Sorry for noobish question. I’ve decided to make my short animation in unreal using sequencer. I know how to add actors to scene and play their animation but I don’t know how to put a weapon in their hand so they can occasionally fire them like a normal shootout in a battle. Is it a blueprint only scenario? how could I implement something like this the easy way? any one click solution or marketplace item?
Select your players skeleton. Select hand. right click create socket. Name socket. anything like “pistol socket.” Click add item to socket. Add sm_pistol cause it has a socket. Adjust socket so aiming is correct. Done. You can creat a template in launcher like fps, and look.
In Matinee or Seuquencer you can fake that. Set a particle effect to the muzzle socket from the gun. Then you can turn on and off the visibility. Or you can call a custom Event in the Level blueprints. Download the Infiltrator Demo and have a look into the Matinee. There is so much to learn from. Or you look at at the new sequencer example.
Thanks. I also look into infiltrator Matinee but can’t figure out how they make those intense firefights. I think some kind of automatic firing mechanic or ai needed right?