How to make 2D Sprites/Flipbook be affected by lighting?

Hello. I’m trying to make 2D sprites and flipbooks be affected by lighting, but no matter what they’re always emissive. How do I fix this?

For the lighting only, I believe just setting the sprite’s material’s Shading Model to Default Lit is enough. But here is what I did:

I created a new material and copied the engine sprite material but the new material’s shading mode is set to Default Lit and blend mode is Masked. I also checked the Cast Shadow as Masked.

Then I added a PaperSprite component to a new ActorBP and set it’s Source Sprite and Material to my assets. Also checked the components Cast Shadow.

The result:

Edit: I noticed when there was no light, the sprite’s “white” parts where still not affected and still glowed in dark. Connecting the sprite material to base color, instead of emissive, solved it.

You are a life saver. Thank you!