How to Make 2D Map?

My map is cut into 10 million images from a large resolution map (1024000*1024000). And save it as josn.
My previous idea was: import 10 million land parcel images into UE5 asset manager and convert them into sprites. Create an Actor, read the josn when starting the game, and add sprite components to the Actor according to the josn file. However, parts of a map usually have at least a few thousand tiles. For all maps, 10 million sprite components greatly impact game performance (Even tiny world divisions have hundreds of components per tile)
So I found TileMap, I think TileMap can improve performance, because it is a component, it actually turns all tiles into a picture first. This way, there is only one image for the entire level without much overhead.
But I haven’t found a way to make a TileMap manually. It seems that only all image blocks and full fill in the left image window are supported (only in one image, and tiled and cropped). I want to add different pictures according to the row and column like the Grid component in the Widget. I haven’t learned how to do this yet.
I’m actually looking for a Grid image composition component, which can specify the number of rows and columns, and each grid can specify a picture. The entire Grid becomes an image, which is then added to the level.

Dears,Do you know of a similar way of compositing images?

Perhaps this isn’t something that you want to hear, but I’d like to point out that the game will be at least 1.2 to 2.4 TB in size if you are going to end up using that many textures.

It is not feasible to create a game with 1,000,000 textures, each in the size of 1024x1024.

The large number of textures, each with a high resolution, will take up a tremendous amount of memory and storage space. This will significantly impact the game’s performance, as loading and rendering so many textures will put a strain on the GPU and CPU. Additionally, it will take a long time to load all the textures into memory and it will also be a big problem to store all the textures in disk.

You will need to download textures from a server as you go and play the game, and you would have to setup an infrastructure to carry the capacity of all users playing.

If you wish to convert textures into sprites, there is a bulk action that you can run to convert the textures, alternatively you could build a script to do so using C++ or the Blueprint Widget functionality.

Not 10 million pieces of 1024 * 1024 texture, but 10 million pieces of 1.24 * 1.24 texture, each of which is less than 1kb, all of which are 9gb in total. I have imported all UE5 asset managers and converted them into Sprite assets!
My problem now is that if every sprite is an Actor component, it will affect the performance, because tens of millions of components will cause the game to crash. So I need a grid image combination Actor, such as TileMap, which converts 10 million images or some of them into one image first. But I found that TileMap is only applicable to all images that are already on the same texture to tile and fill. But my asset is the filling of a large resolution image. So I’m looking for a grid that supports the definition of the number of rows and columns, as well as the pictures in cells. First, combine a large number of pictures into one picture, so that the whole scene has only one picture.
