How to lock rotation of the component?

I want to lock rotation of a Box Collision component (offset from the center) of a character, but cant find any way.
if i use this option
it still rotates, just a different way
so, this is not work for me

kinda stuck here, please help :pray:

  1. In the Components window of your character Blueprint, locate the Box Collision component whose rotation you want to lock.

  2. Click on the component to select it, then navigate to the Details panel on the right side of the editor.

  3. In the Details panel, locate the section labeled “Constraint Setup” and expand it.

  4. Under “Constraint Setup,” you should see options for limiting the rotation of the component. To lock the rotation entirely, set the “Angular Swing1 Motion” and “Angular Swing2 Motion” options to “Locked.”

  5. Once you’ve made the changes, be sure to click the “Apply” button to save your changes.

it works only if Simulate Physics is On
i need it without Simulate Physics

if Simulate Physics is On, component dont follow a Character, it disconnects immediately at start

To lock the rotation of a Box Collision component offset from the center of a character in Unreal Engine, you can follow these steps:

  1. Select the Box Collision component in the Components panel of your character blueprint.
  2. In the Details panel, scroll down to the “Collision” section and expand it.
  3. Under “Primitive Component”, you will see a checkbox labeled “Use Pawn Control Rotation”. Check this box.
  4. Next, in the “Mobility” section, set the component’s mobility to “Movable” if it isn’t already.
  5. Finally, to lock the rotation, go to the “Transform” section and uncheck the “Rotate X”, “Rotate Y”, and “Rotate Z” boxes to disable rotation for each axis.

With these settings, the Box Collision component will be offset from the center of your character and will not rotate, even if your character rotates. Note that if you want to enable rotation in the future, you can simply check the appropriate boxes in the “Transform” section.

If you want to lock the rotation of a Box Collision component offset from the center of a character without using Simulate Physics, you can follow these steps:

  1. Select the Box Collision component in the Components panel of your character blueprint.
  2. In the Details panel, scroll down to the “Collision” section and expand it.
  3. Under “Primitive Component”, you will see a checkbox labeled “Use Pawn Control Rotation”. Check this box.
  4. Next, in the “Mobility” section, set the component’s mobility to “Static” if it isn’t already.
  5. Finally, to lock the rotation, go to the “Transform” section and uncheck the “Rotate X”, “Rotate Y”, and “Rotate Z” boxes to disable rotation for each axis.

With these settings, the Box Collision component will be offset from the center of your character and will not rotate, even if your character rotates. Note that if you want to enable rotation in the future, you can simply check the appropriate boxes in the “Transform” section.

mate, are u trying to copy-paste ChatGPT ?
please stop it for any sake


so, i found not a way to set it, but how to avoid it
u can use it as a temporary solution, bcz it’s not an expensive “set position every tick” way

bcz of main capsule component dont have a Rotation option, and Mesh component must have a Relative rotation

u need another component, which u can set a World rotation option for
then, attach another component, which u need to lock rotation for, to this component
in my case, it is an offset Capsule collision component, used as Hitbox, attached to an overhead Widget component

it locks rotation for an attached component