How to lock axis of niagara sprite emitter?

I have been trying to find the way to lock axis for a niagara sprite emitter the same way we lock axis in cascade->emitter->orientation->lock axis but couldn’t figure it out.
Can anyone help me out?
Any help is appreciated!

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Is this a sprite emitter that you are trying to lock the facing direction of the sprite? Are they currently facing the camera only?

Yes that is precisely what’s happening. The emitter always faces the camera regardless of the settings I use. But I could be doing something wrong

I found the solution for on Unreal Slackers discord channel.
Credits to IngmarClarysse#4551 (discord tag)

The solution is as follows:

• First under Render Header, set Facing Mode to Custom Facing Vector.
• Make Sure to set 1 value for each vector entry Custom Facing Vector Mask. (See this as maximum facing vector value or range)
• Then under Particle Update click the + sign add Set specific particle parameters.
• Add Particle.SpriteFacing
• Pretty much done, use this to set the axis restriction.


Nice one Ryujin.
The above example has some issue’s I’ve learned pretty much the next day, which wasn’t immediately apparent because I was using a round sprite texture. The sprite will lean left and right even when locked because it’s not aligned.

The version below will generate more stable lock the particle and prevent it from leaning when the camera changes.
The differences are setting the alignment on custom aligned and adding a Particles.SpriteAlignment


And if you want to lock a sprite and still rotate around an axis then this should help you:
Facing mode on face camera. And use Particles.SpriteAlignment to choose the axis to rotate around.

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And what about having the exact same control of alignment but with MESH Renderer instead of Sprite?
Is it possible to Align a Mesh Particle so it behaves like with cascade’s “Lock Axis X : Z Up” ?

Is it stil viable in 2.25v?

“• Then under Particle Update click the + sign add Set specific particle parameters.”
I dont have any thing like that. How to create this variable now?

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Ok, I found out.
Under Particle update type “Set new or existing par. directly” Next click on + sign on top right and type “Sprite Facing” right there. End

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Just in case anyone out there is looking to align it to the Local Z axis instead of the World Z axis:

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