How to load in a world at a predetermined rotation around a spatial anchor


I’m using Oculus spatial anchors to track the real-world location of an object through level load.
I want my new level to load around the actor that is connected to the spatial anchor.
When I create the world around 0,0,0, I can achieve the correct location and rotation, but when I want to have multiple possible spawn locations (and thus can’t create the whole world around 0,0,0), I can translate the level just fine, but rotation is giving me headaches. (I want the player to be facing the same direction every time, independently of the rotation of the spatial anchor)

So when I just translate the level without rotation, I end up in the correct place, but because the rotation of the spatial anchor may differ, I end up looking in a wrong direction. When I use the rotation, I look in the correct direction, but I’m in a wrong place.
It seems the the rotation is being carried out before the translation, so I end up in a different place.

This is the code I have working for a world built around 0,0,0


I’ve tried resetting the world origin to the anchor location, or rotating the level around the anchor afterwards, but those solutions did not seem to work…