I’m writing Automation tests and I want a test that loads a map, creates a few Actors, runs it for a bit, and then inspects the state of the created Actors to make sure they did what I want them to.
My problem is that when I load the map using FLoadGameMapCommand
and wait for it to finish loading with FWaitForMapToLoadCommand
then the world just stops. World->GetTimeSeconds()
returns the same value over and over. If I don’t add a FLoadGameMapCommand
then the world time is ticking up as I expect. What do I need to do to restart world ticking?
I have tried to call World->Tick()
myself from my Latent Command, FWaitForTicking
below, but that caused a crash.
What is the proper way to write an Automation test that loads and runs a map?
My current setup:
struct FState
UWorld* World;
UWorld* GetTestWorld()
const TIndirectArray<FWorldContext>& Contexts = GEngine->GetWorldContexts();
for (const FWorldContext& Context : Contexts)
if (Context.WorldType == EWorldType::Game && Context.World() != nullptr)
return Context.World();
return nullptr;
FSetWorldPointer, FState&, State);
bool FSetWorldPointer::Update()
State.World = GetTestWorld();
return true;
FWaitForTicking, FState&, State);
bool FWaitForTicking::Update()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning,
TEXT("Time is %f."), State.World->GetTimeSeconds());
return State.World->GetTimeSeconds() > 10.0f;
FTickingTest, "AutomationTick.Ticking",
EAutomationTestFlags::ApplicationContextMask | EAutomationTestFlags::ProductFilter)
bool FTickingTest::RunTest(const FString&)
static FState State;
return true;
I run this with
./UE4Editor ~/UnrealProjects/AutomationTick/AutomationTick.uproject -NoSound -Game -NullRHI -NoSplash -Unattended -ExecCmds="Automation RunTests AutomationTick.Ticking" -TestExit="Automation Test Queue Empty"